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Day 2 Printable Affirmation Sequence

Writer's picture: Laura Catherine KossLaura Catherine Koss

I give myself to grace to open my world with effortless abundance and ease.

Tadasana Standing Mountain Pose

Stand with your Feet Hip Width apart, toes spread pointing forward inhale as your

Thigh muscles engage, finding a neutral rotation, gently lifting the knees and arches of the feet. Exhale as the Pelvic floor energetically reaches up and in while the Ribcage lengthens away from the tailbone. Inhale, Engaging through the fingers spreading them wide rotating the palms to face forward. Exhale your Shoulder blades down away from the ears, stacking directly over the hips. Inhale bringing your attention into your neck, bringing it into a neutral alignment floating long over your shoulders. Exhale as your Gaze points forward, softening in front of you calm and focused, settling into your intention. Connect down into the earth, Finding Stability as you steady and strengthen the pelvis bringing your body into unity as a completely whole embodiment of your energetic being.

Urdhva Namaskar Extended Standing Pose

Keeping fingers spread and engaged, raise your arms parallel above your head as the sides of your waist lengthen upwards, squeezing your biceps in towards your ears. Connect your hands together in releasing mudra, interlocking your fingers and clasping your hands with index fingers coming together extending like an arrow from your hands. Inhale, pressing down through your feet, reaching up through your arms. Exhale resisting the air, engaging the biceps, index fingers reaching long above you. inhale, Pulling the shoulder blades down your back, gazing up while you broaden your chest filling your ribcage to its fullest capacity. Keep back of the neck long, exhaling to find length. Inhale while you begin Gently awakening the core and activating the abdominal muscles exhale into Aligning your head and your heart in one energetic plane.

Parsva Urdhva Hastasana Standing Right Side Bend

Inhale, finding a balance of your weight evenly distributed across both feet. Exhale pressing through the outer edge of your left foot as you clasp your hands and spiral your chest gently toward the ceiling on the right side. Inhale, lengthen your tailbone down, exhale, level your hips up toward your chin. Draw your lower abdomen up and in while gliding the shoulder blades down the back.

Inhale as you expand from the heart, opening and strengthening the heart chakra. Exhale As you release yourself to receptivity, increasing the flow of prana and opening your intuition. Lean gently back to center, rooting down through the feet.

Parsva Urdhva Hastasana Standing Left Side Bend

Inhale, keeping all ten toes in neutral. Exhale pressing through the outer edge of your right foot as you clasp your hands and spiral your chest gently toward the ceiling on the left side. Inhale, lengthen your tailbone down, exhale, level your hips up toward your chin. Draw your lower abdomen up and in while gliding the shoulder blades down the back.

Uttanasana Standing Forward Fold

Engage the quadriceps as you draw the weight slightly forward to the balls of the feet, gliding forward connecting your index fingers with the floor in front of you. Imagine all the negativity flowing from your body out through your fingers. Plant your hands as you bend your knees keeping a flat back. Heels root, calves widen. Inhale into a slight internal rotation of the thighs to release the tailbone, exhale firming the hips in and back slightly with outer hips engaged. Inhale, hugging the abdominals in, holding the spine in a neutral posture for a flat back. Exhale, lengthening the sternum forward, widening the chest. Inhale lengthening the crown of the head away from the sit bones, exhale into a gentle gaze focused on the shins as you release your neck.

Ardha Uttanasana Standing Half Forward Fold

Gently pull yourself halfway up, extending your arms long in front of you or resting on your shins or the ground. Lengthen through the crown as you bend at the waist, keeping a strong back and long neck angled parallel facing the floor. Engage the quadriceps as you draw the weight slightly forward to the balls of the feet, gliding forward connecting your hands with the floor in front of you. Heels root, calves widen. Inhale into a slight internal rotation of the thighs to release the tailbone, exhale firming the hips in and back slightly with outer hips engaged. Inhale, hugging the abdominals in, holding the spine in a neutral posture for a flat back. Exhale, lengthening the sternum forward, widening the chest. Inhale lengthening the crown of the head away from the sit bones, exhale into a gentle gaze focused on the shins as you release your neck. Gently pull yourself back to standing, coming up vertebrae by vertebrae with hands coming to rest at your sides.

Urdhva Namaskar Extended Standing Pose

Keeping fingers spread and engaged, raise your arms parallel above your head as the sides of your waist lengthen upwards, squeezing your biceps in towards your ears. Connect your hands together in releasing mudra, interlocking your fingers and clasping your hands with index fingers coming together extending like an arrow from your hands. Inhale, pressing down through your feet, reaching up through your arms. Exhale resisting the air, engaging the biceps, index fingers reaching long above you. inhale, Pulling the shoulder blades down your back, gazing up while you broaden your chest filling your ribcage to its fullest capacity. Keep back of the neck long, exhaling to find length.

Parsva Urdhva Hastasana Standing Right Side Bend

Inhale, finding a balance of your weight evenly distributed across both feet. Exhale pressing through the outer edge of your left foot as you clasp your hands and spiral your chest gently toward the ceiling on the right side. Inhale, lengthen your tailbone down, exhale, level your hips up toward your chin. Draw your lower abdomen up and in while gliding the shoulder blades down the back.

Inhale as you expand from the heart, opening and strengthening the heart chakra. Exhale As you release yourself to receptivity, increasing the flow of prana and opening your intuition. Lean gently back to center, rooting down through the feet.

Parsva Urdhva Hastasana Standing Left Side Bend

Inhale, keeping all ten toes in neutral. Exhale pressing through the outer edge of your right foot as you clasp your hands and spiral your chest gently toward the ceiling on the left side. Inhale, lengthen your tailbone down, exhale, level your hips up toward your chin. Draw your lower abdomen up and in while gliding the shoulder blades down the back.

Uttanasana Standing Forward Fold

Engage the quadriceps as you draw the weight slightly forward to the balls of the feet, gliding forward connecting your index fingers with the floor in front of you. Imagine all the negativity flowing from your body out through your fingers. Plant your hands as you bend your knees keeping a flat back. Heels root, calves widen. Inhale into a slight internal rotation of the thighs to release the tailbone, exhale firming the hips in and back slightly with outer hips engaged. Inhale, hugging the abdominals in, holding the spine in a neutral posture for a flat back. Exhale, lengthening the sternum forward, widening the chest. Inhale lengthening the crown of the head away from the sit bones, exhale into a gentle gaze focused on the shins as you release your neck.

Ardha Uttanasana Standing Half Forward Fold

Gently pull yourself halfway up, extending your arms long in front of you or resting on your shins or the ground. Lengthen through the crown as you bend at the waist, keeping a strong back and long neck angled parallel facing the floor. Engage the quadriceps as you draw the weight slightly forward to the balls of the feet, gliding forward connecting your hands with the floor in front of you. Heels root, calves widen. Inhale into a slight internal rotation of the thighs to release the tailbone, exhale firming the hips in and back slightly with outer hips engaged. Inhale, hugging the abdominals in, holding the spine in a neutral posture for a flat back. Exhale, lengthening the sternum forward, widening the chest. Inhale lengthening the crown of the head away from the sit bones, exhale into a gentle gaze focused on the shins as you release your neck. Gently pull yourself back to standing, coming up vertebrae by vertebrae with hands coming to rest at your sides.

Vriksasana Tree Pose Right foot Up

Inhale, lifting your right foot and bringing it to the inside of the left leg, either inside the thigh, inside the calf, or perched on the floor just beside the left foot. Avoid placing the foot against your knee as you gently press the right foot into the leg and press the leg into the foot. Exhale Keeping your lower back long and neutral hugging your belly button to the spine supporting your upper body as you lift your arms high overhead, finding your balance and reaching to the sky.. Inhale, Keeping fingers spread and engaged, strengthening your arms parallel above your head as the sides of your waist lengthen upwards, squeezing your biceps in towards your ears. Exhale, Pulling the shoulder blades down your back as you lengthen the tailbone down towards your heels gazing at a single point in front of you.

Ardha Padma Vriksasana Half Lotus Tree Pose

Bend your right leg towards your chest, using the right hand place your foot at the top of the inner left thigh. Turn your right knee out to the side and inhale into your quads as you engage them. Bring hands together at heart center resting into prayer pose, exhaling into the stability of your right leg extending long in Ardha Padma Vriksasana or half lotus tree pose.

Vriksasana Tree Pose Left Foot Up

Inhale, lifting your left foot and bringing it to the inside of the right leg, either inside the thigh, inside the calf, or perched on the floor just beside the right foot. Avoid placing the foot against your knee as you gently press the left foot into the leg and press the leg into the foot. Exhale Keeping your lower back long and neutral hugging your belly button to the spine supporting your upper body as you lift your arms high overhead, finding your balance and reaching to the sky. Inhale, Keeping fingers spread and engaged, strengthening your arms parallel above your head as the sides of your waist lengthen upwards, squeezing your biceps in towards your ears. Exhale, Pulling the shoulder blades down your back as you lengthen the tailbone down towards your heels gazing at a single point in front of you. As with anything in life, if you struggle to find balance, simply reach higher.

Ardha Padma Vriksasana Half Lotus Tree Pose

Bend your left leg towards your chest, using the left hand place your foot at the top of the inner right thigh. Turn your left knee out to the side and inhale into your quads as you engage them. Bring hands together at heart center resting into prayer pose, exhaling into the stability of your left leg extending long in Ardha Padma Vriksasana or half lotus tree pose.

Adho Mukha Svanasana Downward Facing Dog

Release your foot down and step back into downward facing dog, planting your hands beneath your shoulders. Feet hip width apart, toes spread pointing forward, spread your fingers wide beneath you inhaling into the lengthening of your spine as you press your chest to the thighbones. Exhale, hugging your abs up and in, slowy straightening your legs behind you. Knit your front legs in as you draw your sits bones up and back. Bring your ears in line with the biceps and send the breath wide into your lower back.

Catur Svanasana/ Ardha Pincha Mayurasana Dolphin Pose

Place elbows on floor shoulder width apart pulling biceps in against cheek. Curl the toes and draw shoulder blades together as you inhale into the lower part of your back. Keep core engaged, reaching through the tailbone extended towards the sky drawing shoulders over elbow creases. Exhale releasing the neck rooting firmly through the forarms, lengthening hamstrings, keeping legs long and strong.

Plank Pose

Push up through the hands, stepping back or walking the hands out to plank pose bringing your body just above the ground. Inhale your feet, ankles, knees, and hips into alignment hugging the thighs in toward the midline of the body. Exhale strength through the upper arms as you knit the front ribs in and widen the chest, pulling the navel up and in to protect the spine. Wrist, elbows, and shoulders are aligned as you squeeze your shoulder blades together low on the back. Inhale length into the back of the neck as you press stability through a strong body.

Chaturanga Dandasana Four Limbed Staff Pose

Inhale your body forward about two inches, bending your elbows into your sides. Exhale your body down hugging the elbows and upper arms against the torso. Pull your abs up and in as you lift your thighs and core steady, long, and strong. Keeping elbows in find the length extending from your feet to the back of the neck as you focus your gaze beneath you.

Niravalasana/Salamba Bhujangasana Sphinx Pose

Release your body to the ground, inhaling the palms of your hands to the floor just outside of your chest. Exhale your forhead to the floor as you turn the tops of the feet against the mat. Inhale through the palms, pressing against the mat, lifting through the upper body to open yourself upward towards the sky. Press the forearms towards the floor and push the chest and shoulders behind your arms. Exhale strength down through the arms and feet, keeping your torso long and reaching, lifting your chin gently to gaze slightly above you.

Balasana Child’s Pose

Release your neck and upper body, pressing through the palms to Inhale your hips back to your heels with knees folded beneath you either hip width apart or hugged together. Exhale your head forward, gently resting on the mat before you. Breathe into your lower back imagining each inhale expanding across the lower back and each exhale releasing your body deeper against the floor. Close your eyes and soften the shoulders. Inhale, ground down. Exhale, allow your body to feel a release. Inhale against the floor allowing your body to be cradled by the earth, exhale through your body, releasing everything that no longer serves you. Focus on the flow of your breath as you sink into the serenity of stillness, sinking down against the floor and resting here for just a few moments.

Gently come back to the space, wiggling your arms, your fingers. When you’re ready open your eyes and rest your gaze in front of you, pressing up through the mat to lift yourself to sitting. Bring your head into a bow as you find prayer with your hands, dipping your chin to sternum as you rest in gratitude for everything today’s practice has provided you. Prepare yourself with the newfound peace and serenity cultivated here today as you raise your head to go back out and meet the world, ready, willing, and able. Thank you for sharing this practice, Namaste.

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